Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Opening Shot

It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a monkey, and this guy is hungry to tell you about the best places to eat in the Finger Lakes (and maybe some other sweet places in Western N.Y.). This is not the blog that tells you only where the "cool kids" go, any place that has good drinks or eats qualifies no matter how awesome or awful. This blog will lead you to places that only the locals know about and only real eaters will travel to. My goal: tell you how to get there, whats' worth putting in your mouth and how much cash you're going to need along the way. If you like what I have to say, tell your friends. More importantly, tell the hard-working folks behind the line and on the floor that you're stoked about eating what they make and how far you traveled to come get it. And for God's sake...leave a decent tip. Thanks for go eat!

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